I have been working on a post like this for a while but just couldn't seem to get it right. But recent events in my area encouraged me to get my behind in gear and get it finished. The reason I had so much trouble with this topic was because first, there was way too much information out there to share in this one post and second, I wanted to be very careful in how I introduced it to you. The thing I've feared most is that people will stop reading once they see what this is all about. So I'm asking you to just read the entire post. You don't have to jump on the bandwagon, just read so you can at least be educated about it.
Honestly, I understand the rumors and fears about raw milk. I didn't always drink it! I was more of an almond or lactose-free pasteurized milk kind of gal. I found out in high school that I was lactose-intolerant. Every day I would drink a carton of pasteurized milk for lunch, and every day I would ride the bus home with terrible, sharp stomach pains that would almost bring me to tears. I finally put two and two together. So I avoided what most would consider "regular" milk (a.k.a pasteurized, homogenized milk) until a lactose-intolerant friend of mind mentioned she drank raw milk. When she told me about her first time trying it, I remember her saying something like, "I wasn't going to make a half-attempt at seeing if this stuff really worked. I drank a whole quart!" And guess what: she had none of her normal lactose-intolerant issues! I couldn't even drink half a glass of pasteurized milk without having issues and she's drinking raw milk by the quart? Interesting...
But like I said, I was fearful too! I wanted to drink real milk! (No way does almond milk do a warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookie justice!) But I also didn't want to get sick and I especially didn't want my young child getting sick. It wasn't until almost 2 years after I was introduced to raw milk that I even tried it. And after finding out that I, too, could drink it without issues, it still took me another year to start drinking it exclusively!
So what finally made me stop buying pasteurized milk and make the switch to raw milk? Over the past 3 years I was finding out more and more benefits of raw milk. I found out that it wasn't just a good idea to drink it because it was a great compliment to cookies and that I didn't have issues digesting it - it actually benefited me and my family way more than pasteurized milk ever could.
"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”
― Robert Frost
So do we have a deal? Good. Here it goes...
Raw milk: a.k.a unpasteurized, unhomogenized, additive-free, full-fat, real milk
Raw milk: a.k.a unpasteurized, unhomogenized, additive-free, full-fat, real milk
(Keep reading! We did a virtual shake!)
Real milk from our friendly farmers at The Family Cow |
But like I said, I was fearful too! I wanted to drink real milk! (No way does almond milk do a warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookie justice!) But I also didn't want to get sick and I especially didn't want my young child getting sick. It wasn't until almost 2 years after I was introduced to raw milk that I even tried it. And after finding out that I, too, could drink it without issues, it still took me another year to start drinking it exclusively!
So what finally made me stop buying pasteurized milk and make the switch to raw milk? Over the past 3 years I was finding out more and more benefits of raw milk. I found out that it wasn't just a good idea to drink it because it was a great compliment to cookies and that I didn't have issues digesting it - it actually benefited me and my family way more than pasteurized milk ever could.
What are the benefits of raw milk?
- Boosts the immune system
- Improves digestion by putting good bacteria in the gut
- Prevents absorption of pathogens and toxins in the gut
- More nutrient-rich than pasteurized
- Drinking raw, full-fat milk ensures absorption of all of its nutrients.
- It has been proven to be digestible by most people who are lactose-intolerant.
- Those with milk allergies due to casein may even be able to tolerate raw milk.
- Has been proven to reduce asthma, allergies and eczema
- Raw milk was once used by the Mayo Clinic to successfully treat cancer, weight loss, kidney disease, allergies, skin problems, urinary tract problems, prostate problems, chronic fatigue and many other chronic conditions. a.k.a. The Milk Cure
And that's not even close to a complete list! 1
So to me and my family, the benefits of raw milk completely outweigh the risk of getting sick from it.
Raw milk helps my Superman stay super! |
I'm a very logical person (Hence, my possibly unhealthy relationship with math!) so I think of it this way: No one can guarantee that I won't get sick from drinking raw milk. BUT, there's no one that can guarantee I won't get sick from things like spinach, lettuce, poultry, strawberries, peanut butter, or cantaloupe either. 1 Do I stop eating those things though? No! Their benefits outweigh the risks. I am just careful about washing and cooking my foods, and knowing where they come from...just like my raw milk. If you know the farmer (Are they willing to answer your questions?), know how the cows are raised (confinement or pastured?), know what they're fed (soy and grains, or grass?), know the cleanliness of the milking conditions, know how the milk is bottled, know how it is tested (There are state regulations for bacteria counts and frequency of testing.) etc., then you can greatly reduce your risk of getting sick. 2
This blog is not big enough and I am not a good enough writer to include everything about raw milk. But we're in luck! There is an amazing website created by the Weston A. Price Foundation that includes tons of information about the safety, regulations, and healthiness of raw milk located at www.realmilk.com. If you're interested in obtaining some raw milk to give it a try, the site also includes the Real Milk Finder which lists by state, county, or city, places where you can buy it. (Depending on your state, you may be able to buy raw milk from a grocery store, health food store, directly from the farmer, by mail, or you may have to join a herdshare, but raw milk is legal and available in most states in some way. 3 Special thanks to all of the farmers out there who work and fight so hard to make raw milk available to those who want it! It's not always easy!)
So I encourage you to visit www.realmilk.com, check out a couple links and see if you find something about raw milk that could benefit you and your family. You may be surprised by what you find!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!