It has been a slow and sometimes time-consuming process, but I'm on a steady journey towards a simpler, healthier lifestyle for my family. Now, when I say "simpler" I don't necessarily mean "convenient" or "fast"...hence the name for the blog! I mean more of a back-to-basics kind of life, without going so extreme that we completely ignore the helpfulness of our modern technology. One that thrives using some tried-and-true methods of our ancestors, the methods that have kept us on this planet for thousands of years. One that doesn't completely rely on the industrialized food of our nation. One that doesn't include all of the chronic diseases of today's world. One in which I can proudly raise my son to be a happy, healthy child.
Although my husband may describe me as obsessive, I like to call myself passionate - especially when it comes to the well-being of my family. I love to yak my husband's ear off and tell him all about the information that I've come across and the new "simple" things I've been working into our everyday lives. But filling his head with every detail I've learned has yet to completely satisfy me. I feel the need to share this information with a larger audience who also shares in my passion, so that together we can make a real difference in our flawed world.
So if you were looking for that nudge to start
leading a healthier lifestyle, here it is! I know from experience how
overwhelming the transition can seem, but I found that it's completely possible if you take it one little step at a time. So I've decided to start this blog to share the little steps I've taken to get me where I am today - recipes (food, cleaning products, cosmetics, etc.), DIY projects, books I'm reading, where-to-buy guides and more - so that you can start taking those little steps too!
"Alone we are strong, together we are stronger." - Unknown Author